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Cut the Fluff: Your Sales Page Isn't a Free For All! kajabi sales page sales strategy Apr 15, 2024

Here’s the hard truth, folks: Your sales page is acting like it’s hosting a charity gala, inviting every Tom, Dick, and Harry to take whatever action tickles their fancy. 

“Book a call,” “Buy now,” “Grab this freebie”—sound...

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The Art of Conversion: From Lead Magnet to Loyal Customer artofconvention digitalmarketingstrategy kajabi leadmagnet salespage Apr 08, 2024

In the digital marketing world, the journey from attracting a prospect to securing a customer is intricate and filled with potential pitfalls. 

Two critical stages in this journey—the lead magnet strategy and the transition from nurture series to sales page—are often where many...

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Lead Magnet Tango: A New Dawn for Your Digital Marketing Strategy digitalmarketingstrategy kajabi leadmagnet strategy Apr 01, 2024

In the digital realm of entrepreneurship, the allure of creating the perfect lead magnet and crafting a funnel that magically converts prospects into loyal customers is a narrative many of us chase. 

Yet, the reality often paints a different picture—one where the clock ticks past...

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So Close, Yet So Far: Crossing the Finish Line in Your Online Business Journey decision-making confidence kajabi online business launch overcoming imposter syndrome sales success rx accelerator tech challenges Mar 27, 2024

There's a peculiar kind of quiet that surrounds the final stretch before the finish line.

It's where dreams are closest to reality, yet doubts scream the loudest.

You've laid the groundwork for your online course or coaching business, poured your heart into content, wrestled with technology, and...

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Breaking the Kajabi Cycle of Suck: From Frustration to Freedom achieving online business success kajabi online course creation overcoming frustration sales success rx accelerator Mar 19, 2024

Ah, Kajabi—the dream platform for many aspiring online course creators, coaches, and consultants.

You bought it, buzzing with excitement, visions of your online empire building before your eyes.

But then, the cycle begins: excitement, overwhelm, frustration, abandonment... rinse and repeat....

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Break the Chains: Your Inaction Harms More Than Just You! #success analysis paralysis digital entrepreneurship imposter syndrome inaction kajabi online dreams overcoming hurdles sales success rx tech overwhelm unleash potential Mar 05, 2024

Are your online dreams on hold? What is holding you back?

In the vast landscape of digital entrepreneurship, it's not uncommon to feel like you're hitting roadblocks at every turn. 

Perhaps it's the overwhelming sea of options for funnels, the tech set up in Kajabi, or maybe it's the nagging...

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