
My unique consulting package provides you with the tailored framework you need to align your messaging, offerings, and marketing to capture your Right Fit Client® at the moment they're ready to buy.


Sales Success Rx

No Course to Watch
No More "Knowledge" Gathering

It's You + Me Getting It Done Together In Real Time.

Turn leads into clients, gain evidence your offer will sell, align your messaging and offer to match the outcome you promised and increase your chances of sales success.


Each step is interconnected and builds upon the previous step to create a comprehensive and effective conversion optimization framework.


Session 01 

Uncovering Your Right Fit Client®

In this session, we'll work together to design your business so it's not only attainable but sustainable, fitting into your life instead of taking over. We'll define your Right Fit Client so you can create the perfect solution (product) that resonates with who you want to work with and meets them at the moment they're ready to buy.


Session 02

Right Fit Sales Funnel

Align your messaging with your Right Fit Client® to speak to them at the point they're ready to buy, and you'll be the one they choose to help them achieve their desired transformation.  

Let your page do the heavy lifting FOR you.


Session 03

Right Fit Offer

Before you build out your solution, we'll help you gain evidence that your Right Fit Client® desires the outcome you promise and will pay for it. Once we have the green light, we'll align your product/service, offer, and lead magnet to deliver on that promised outcome.


Session 04

Right Fit Marketing

Matching the manner in which people are exposed to you and your amazing solution is crucial. We'll map out the actions you need to take in your business to create raving fans who will buy from you when the time is right for them.

Don't just pick any "funnel".  Pick the RIGHT funnel.


Bonus Session 05

Right Fit Blueprint = Launch Execution Success

Bring it all together with our Right Fit Sales Success Blueprint, so you can upload the templates into your platform of choice and "Plug-n-Play" by filling in the sections with the aligned messaging that will attract the right people into your funnel and repel those you don't want. This blueprint is designed to lead your visitors on a journey from visitor to taking the #1 action on your page, giving you the launch execution success you've been looking for.


Take Action

Bring Realignment To Life in Kajabi

Use your Sales Success RX Blueprint and DIY yourself OR hire Kimi Brown LLC to implement inside Kajabi FOR YOU.

*If implementation package booked within 30 days of delivery I'll credit $297 towards your package


If You're Ready, Let's Chat
Book A Connection Call

Realign Messaging


Redesign Funnel


Reignite Results 




Kim is the total package! Professional, fun, "real", highly knowledgable, and incredibly responsive.

We now have a clear action plan and the adjustments that need to be made and the confidence we need to go into our  next launch."

Danielle Levy
Integrator, Danielle Levy Consulting


"Why did I waste thousands of dollars on these flashy programs when I could have just invested with you?

...and I would have gotten results that I actually thought I was getting in the first place?"

Jacob Turner
Xebra Consulting


You can tell for Kim, landing a sale is not just about the $$, she truly cares about her clients and the work she does for them - not only during the project but after too! 

Adrienne Glusman
Online Business Manager for Stacey Staaterman


We walk together through the Sales Success RX Framework and tailor it to YOU



Strategy First. Always!


$500 Deposit
Payment Plan Available

YOU + Me + Kajabi = Increased Sales Success

Turn leads into clients, gain evidence your offer will sell, align your messaging and offer to match the outcome you promised and increase your chances of sales success.

It's Time To Take Action!

  • Up to Five 90-Minute Zoom Sessions to walk through and complete the framework together
  • Shared Framework Workbook where together we create your:
    • Sales Funnel
    • Lead Magnet to fill your funnel
    • Online Course or Membership Site (or Product of choice)
    • Event / Webinar to Fill Your Funnel (optional)  
    • Automated post purchase emails
    • Automated Nurture Emails
  • Guided Actions to Gain Evidence your offer will sell
  • Meg Burrage Kajabi Themed Template pages based on your needs.
  • Sales Success RX Blueprint of your entire framework based on YOUR desired outcome of our sessions for you to take and "Plug-n-Play" into Kajabi to realign your messaging to reignite your sales 
  • 1:1 Access to Kimi during this entire process via Messenger for guidance in between sessions
  • Once Blueprint delivered, 30-days of Kimi-In-Your-Back Pocket for continued guidance as you implement via email and messenger.  

If you choose to hire Kimi Brown LLC to "Take The Wheel" and make those changes for you in Kajabi (If hired within 30 days of delivery) I will put $297 towards your implementation package.

If You're Ready, Let's Chat
Book A Connection Call



Within 24 hours after our first session if you don't feel we are a good fit to move you forward towards increased conversions, let me know and your investment will be refunded minus the non-refundable deposit. 


More Love From Client Family


Kim is such a freaking joy to work with.  

I have been on a journey of getting more specific with my niche and my offerings. Kimi Brown LLC has played a key role in narrowing that down for me and my clients. Now, with the clarity I have on my main offering, the next stop is the freaking moon!

Kim is such a freaking joy to work with. No BS, and no question is off limits. I felt open to express my ignorance and also to say when I had a strong opinion about the way something should work. She made me feel listened to, appreciated, and worked in just the way I need to be worked with.

Alex Street
Founder, Fearless Speakers Academy™


"I am so glad to have Kimi In My Back Pocket to reach out anytime with questions and get unstuck!"

Melissa Froehlich
Owner, Strategic Business Growth

 Access Single KISS Sessions HERE


"Before hiring Kim, I was stuck on how much I could do with Kajabi.

The tasks I needed to complete were adding up and I was feeling really overwhelmed. I was literally stalled in getting my course and website where I needed and wanted them!

Enter Kim and picture the skies parting and the sun shining through. Kim completely took away my overwhelm and frustration.  She was efficient and extremely knowledgeable and never made me feel overwhelmed. She’s helped me to move my business forward and allowed a launch that’s been years in the making.

I can’t recommend Kim enough!"

Andrea Dow
Owner, Andrea Dow Inc.


Still Have Questions? 


Once you say YES to you, you're 3 steps away from transforming your business/life


Show Up to Our Sessions Ready to Get $#it Done 


Implement Sales Success Formula Blueprint

Watch the dial move on your results.


It All Starts With A
Connection Call

Hi! I'm Kimi

As you can see I live what I teach. 


I have a business that fits into how I want to live my life. (Zoom ready on top, PJ pants and slippers below camera!)

I'm also known as The Joyful Contrarian.

I'm on a Mission


As someone who has seen firsthand the struggles and frustrations of online business owners, I am on a mission to right a wrong that is costing you dearly.

Hence the Joyful Contrarian label!

You've been told that all you need is a signature offer or product, but the reality is that there's so much more to success than that. 

I'm sick and tired of watching visionaries experience burnout and eventually quit, robbing the world of their expertise, their legacy of change and stealing the freedom that revenue in their business allows.

My mission is to build a business that revolves around YOU, where success is not only attainable but sustainable for long-term success.

If you like a straight shooting, sassy, slightly smart-a$$y, witty, fun-loving, loves Jesus but cusses a little, invested in your success, collaborative (not a task taker), a BS busting kind of person, then schedule your Connection Call to find out if we are a good fit for one another!  

You will only know if I am right for your business when you jump on a Connection Call where we can explore if I am a good fit for your vision, your core values and as collaborative partners in your business. If we aren't a good fit, I can refer you to someone I completely trust to take good care of you!

I hope to see you on my calendar! 

Yours in success,


Ready to achieve success on your terms?

Stop trying to achieve someone else's success story. Get your own Sales Success RX that's tailored for YOU, not some cookie-cutter BS. Say bye-bye to ill-fitting suits of success and hello to badassery in your own custom-made CEO gear. 

It's time to ditch the one-size-fits-all mentality and move those leads to clients with a framework that fits you like a glove. 


If You're Ready, Let's Chat
Book A Connection Call
Picture https://blacklapel.com/