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Brewing Success: Fuel Sales Success Through Trusted Referral Partners and Coffee Chats

#brewingsuccess #businessgrowth salessuccess trustedreferrals May 28, 2024

Are you ready to grow leads while you sleep or are on vacation?

If so, the Brewing Success Masterclass is your ticket to success. 

Throughout our journey together, we've explored a strategic plan of collaborating with Trusted Referral Partners designed to fuel your sales success.

Now, it's time to bring it all together and unlock the full potential of your business.

We've delved into the power of collaboration, the importance of identifying and filling gaps in your business, and the transformative impact of Trusted Referral Partnerships. 

Your clients need help in areas that dovetail from your offer or are commonly requested with your product/services and you don’t (or shouldn't) provide. I call these Gaps.

Set up a time to enjoy a cuppa coffee or tea (or an adult beverage) virtually or in person with the GOAL of connecting to see if a potential collaboration opportunity exists for the two of you to become Trusted Professional Referral Partners in each other's business.

Win-Win-Win Scenario! You each understand the value the other person’s business provides for your clients. Facilitating an introduction to each other is an extension of your credibility, you’re doing what is best for the success of your client, and you recognize there is something to gain from mutually referring to each other.

These strategies have laid the groundwork for your success, providing you with the tools and insights needed to thrive in today's competitive landscape.

What You'll Get in the Brewing Success Masterclass:

During the Brewing Success Masterclass, you'll have the opportunity to dive deeper into these proven strategies and learn how to implement them effectively in your own business. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Comprehensive Workbook: Gain access to a comprehensive workbook packed with actionable strategies and exercises to implement the principles of Trusted Referral Partnerships and Raving Fans into your business.
  2. Don't, Won't, Shouldn't Formula: Identify services or tasks that don't align with your expertise or passion, helping you focus on what truly matters in your business and freeing up resources to cultivate meaningful Trusted Referral Partnerships.
  3. GAP & Win-Win-Win Exercise: Define the gap to fill and the win-win-win scenarios with Trusted Referral Partners, propelling your business towards sustainable growth.
  4. Take Action: By the end of our session, you will have at least ONE Trusted Referral Partner Outreach Set and Ready to Go with clear win-win scenarios outlined, a drafted outreach email, and the knowledge to replicate this success moving forward. 
  5. Exclusive Resources: Unlock access to exclusive resources designed to supercharge your journey to business success, including Outreach Swipe Files, TRP Call Master Document, and Checklists.
  6. Bonus Access: As a special bonus, attendees of the live session will receive exclusive access to our TRP Airtable Tracking Base, allowing you to seamlessly manage and track your referral partnerships with ease.

With a focus on actionable strategies and tangible results, the Brewing Success masterclass will equip you with the tools and insights needed to grow leads in a fun, connected and rewarding way!

Reserve your spot today and take the next step towards business success!

📅 Date: June 12th (May Sold Out the 20 spots!)

🕛 Time: Noon Eastern Time

🎟️ Event: Pay What You Want Masterclass

💡 Save Your Spot Here: https://www.kimibrown.com/brewingsuccess

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